October 22, 2018, by Erik Larson

From Raw Data to Polished One Pagers

Sessions are around the corner – are your one-pagers ready?

Many advocacy groups use one-pagers or fact sheets as part of their lobbying toolkit. Some are even moving these assets further into the digital world with web-based dashboard style versions. However, there is always a need to have a hardcopy "leave behind" to bring to your meetings.

A one-pager may look simple enough, chock full of statistics and images to impress its viewer with a small set of key figures. Going from raw data to a finished product, however, is usually anything but simple.

Probably the biggest concern we hear about is accuracy and completeness of the information presented. Small and even medium sized associations typically don't have an economist on staff, nor do they have large budgets for hiring consultants to do the research.

At eImpact we've made a lot of strides in simplifying and expediting the process of making one-pagers that stand out, with data you can rely on. (Automatic updating is an added bonus :)

Great One-Pagers in 3 Steps

STEP 1: Enter NAICS Codes

Most industry associations have a good grasp on the NAICS codes that represent their industry. Where there is uncertainty, eImpact provides expertise to help out. Some of our clients have complex industries, represented by multiple NAICS codes or even partial representation within a specific 6-digit code. We have the ability to capture this complexity.

NAICS code search and selection in the setup process

STEP 2: eImpact Pulls Data, Crunches Numbers

Our software pulls data from the standard sources economists rely on. Most reports contain thousands of individual data points, all to arrive at the headline stats you need such as jobs, wages, tax contributions and more. The processing and combining of the disparate data is done automatically, with any suppressions flagged. This is the time consuming part of this type of research, which is why we developed technology to automate it.

This is an example of the raw data sources collected and compiled from an actual one-pager

STEP 3: Formatting

The fun part! Many of our clients like the ease of using our drag-and-drop page editor to style and customize their one-pager. You can use your own branding and color schemes, drop in images, and of course use any of the data points we've compiled. An added benefit is the page can serve as both a printable document and live dashboard!

This is an example one-pager style report on eImpact. It includes an infographic header with live data below. Scroll the frame to see the whole document

Voila! With all one-pagers in eImpact you can use them as printable PDFs, embedded dashboards, or direct links (complete with view tracking analytics).

Interested in learning more?

Set up a time with a data expert.