March 28, 2019, by Erik Larson

eImpact: A (Data) Extension of Your Team

Who has the time to use data tools to good effect?

Many organizations we talk to have licensed different data tools to collect information on the economy, workforce or demographics. Their success in these undertakings ranges, but this recent client quote summarizes the situation well:

We paid a pretty large fee for a popular data tool but didn't use it to anywhere its full capability. We struggled to finish the project because of our interrupt-driven weekly schedule. In the end, who has the time and expertise to learn to use these complicated data tools?

From the beginning, we envisioned eImpact as an extension of our clients' team. Everybody wants and needs data to do their jobs, whether its advocacy or business recruitment and retention, but the reality is most organizations are not (yet) set up to handle these specialized projects.

Below are a couple client examples where eImpact helped deliver critical data and reports on a tight schedule.

A few examples of analysis performed by eImpact

  1. Policy Impact
    When a large tax was proposed on the hospital system in Oregon, a leading advocacy group came to eImpact to quickly analyze and report the potential economic and societal impact. This analysis helped the organization rise above the noise of the debate with real numbers, aiding in their discussions with lawmakers and the media.

    Click the image below to view full analysis.

  2. Understanding Housing Affordability
    How can you create effective policy without understanding the issue based on real data? This was the question our client asked themselves before turning to us for help running the numbers. By providing stakeholders with a picture of the current affordability landscape, they were able to help move the issue forward towards a policy solution.

    This summary chart shows the number of housing units residents could afford based on their earning bracket.

  3. Forecasting Potential Futures
    Shy of a crystal ball, how can we understand what potential future scenarios mean for job creation and wages? At eImpact, we regularly prepare forecast analysis for our clients looking at scenarios including high growth, interest rate shock and recession.

    This chart shows the potential effect on job creation looking at different economic scenarios.

At eImpact, we live for stuff like this. When your team is tapped or that new data analyst isn't yet hired, we can perform analyses like these for you – with fast turnaround and highly responsive support.

Have a pressing issue where analysis could help?

Click the button below to schedule time with one of our data experts: